Speaking & Retreats
Schedule John Kinuthia to speak at your next event. John has spoken at parish missions, catholic organizations, youth and young adult conferences and retreats, sacrament preparation retreats, and schools. John inspires Catholics to cultivate a deeper prayer life, love for God and intimate relationship Jesus, to live God's will for their lives, and love for the Catholic Faith. He inspires others to live and share their faith with JOY! All for the greater glory of God!
Here are a few topics (others available upon request):

Awaken the Saint Within
Inspiring and engaging talk to live the universal call to holiness
The audience will learn how to cultivate a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, and move from knowing about Jesus to really knowing Him. How to deepen our prayer lives through conversational prayer, to intentionally grow as disciples.

Becoming a Missionary Disciple
Living the great commission, to "Go and Make Disciples of All Nations"
As Catholics we are all called to evangelize; however, many of us find this calling to be difficult and "not for us." In this talk I will equip you with tools to grow as a disciple and to share your story with others.

Share your Story Workshop
How has God made a difference in your life?
Many Catholics struggle with how to share Jesus with others. One of the easiest, most powerful ways to do this is to share a personal story of how Jesus has made a difference in your life. I will help you identify and reflect upon pivotal times in your faith life and show you how to comfortably and easily share your story with others.

Discerning God's Will
Many of the saints discuss the need to unite our will with the will of God to live a life of holiness. When we pray the Our Father and say "Thy will be done," do we live that out? Do we struggle to know if a decision is God's will or not? Based on the wisdom of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Uniformity with God's Will, this talk will give some practical ways to discern God's will and to align our lives with His will for us.

Serving our Youth in the Spirit of St. John Bosco
St. John Bosco, known as the Father and Teacher of youth dedicated his life to serving the youth in Turin, Italy. His charism, faith and love for young people can teach and inspire each of us to to joyfully serve the youth, drawing them closer to Christ.

Be Transformed
Jesus' True Presence in the Eucharist
Deepen your love for Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This talk can be tailored for students preparing to make their First Holy Communion, for their parents as they help prepare and guide their children to receive the sacrament, or for Catholics of all ages to discover or re-discover the transforming power of the Eucharist and Adoration!

His Mercy Endures Forever
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Jesus calls us to receive his Love and Mercy in the beautiful sacrament of reconciliation but for many of us we struggle with going to confession. This talk can be tailored for students preparing to make their First Reconciliation, for their parents as they help prepare and guide their children to receive the sacrament, or for Catholics of all ages to discover or re-discover the transforming and healing power of God's Love and Mercy.
Have a different Topic or Theme in Mind?
Please contact me. I would be happy to talk with you about any other topics or interests you have for your event.
Contact John for more information/availability:
The desire for God is written in the human heart because man is created by God and for God, and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for…“ CCC 27